Video of the month : ISMFOF - things that rhyme with orange

Musiqa De Amour

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sumpahan Mesin Basuh

Pagi tadi aku tengok baldi aku bertimbun dengan baju kotor. Entah tetibe rajin pulak aku nak basuh baju harini. (tapi basuh guna mesin je laa pon)

Sampai je dekat ngan mesin basuh yang terletak di tingkat bawah bilik aku, aku pon keluarkanlah duit syiling, RM2.00 semuanya. Masuk baju, letak sabun, tekan ON. Pastu bergerak-geraklah baju aku dalam mesin tu.

Tunggu lama sikit. Biasanya lepas gerak-gerak, ada air akan masuk. TUNGGU PUNYA TUNGGU. Air tak masuk jugak. Hmmph. hampeh punya mesin basuh. Takde air pulak.

Lalu aku pon naik bilik, amek duit syiling RM2.00, sambil mengeluarkan kata-kata kesat di dalam hati. Aku cuba mesin basuh lagi satu. Nasib baik mesin basuh yang ni tak buat hal.

Kalau rosak lagi sekali, nak je aku tumbuk mesin basuh tersebut,

Flying kick dua kali,

"Stone Cold Stunner" mesin basuh tersebut,

dan akhir skali aku akan lakukan "Pedigree" seperti yang aksi Triple H dalam WWE dengan penuh marah.

baru aku puass

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

TOP 5 - must download album

Hello cats and squirrels,

These are the list of my favorite album from my favorite band. Which I illegally download it. pffthaha. enjoy ^___^

5. Fall Out Boy - From Under The Cork Tree
This album consist of 13 songs including "Dance dance", "Sugar we're going down" and "A little less sixteen candles, a little more touch me" and yeah,usually I'll play the songs when I'm bored, doing assignment, etc. Plus, you guys should watch the video clip too! However, I'll play certain songs which is my favorite instead of all songs in my playlist. Thus, make this album to number 5.

4. Muse - Black Holes and Revelations
The fourth place goes to Muse. Awesome guitar solo from Mathew Bellamy wants you to play all the songs again and again. No need to talk much, play all the songs and put it in 'shuffle'. Above all, starlight and knight of cydonia are my favorite. You guys should make it as a ringtone in the phone.

3. Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory and Meteora
Both Hybrid Theory and Meteora by Linkin Park share a third place in my list. When I was in school, everyone talks about Linkin Park. Their songs played almost by every radio station. I miss the moment when Chester screaming and Mike Shinoda 'do the rap'. Compared with their new album, (Minutes to Midnight,etc) Linkin Park changes a lot in the aspect of genre of the music. In my opinion, the old version of Linkin Park is more-fxg-awesome.

2. My Chemical Romance - I Brought you my bullets, you brought me your love
This is the first album from MCR. I believe not everyone knows about this album because MCR only known after the song "I'm not okay" in the album Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge. The genre of the songs in this album is totally different with their new album, Danger Days: True Lives of The Fabulous Killjoys. This album consist of 11 songs and ALL THE SONGS ARE MY FAVORITE!

Fart. Personally I think the old MCR is better, when Gerard Way's hair was black.

1. And the number one in my list, goes to Cromok! which album? ALL OF THEM!

Metal band from Malaysia, most of their songs are instrumental. The guitar solo, bass, and the drum. Perfect combination. Most of the songs such as Misery, Siblings, Farewell, Little One, Obsessed, are suitable to listen regardless in what situation you are. For example, while studying, jogging, etc.

I play DOTA

Hello cats and squirrels,



But I'm NOOB. Get killed for the first 5 minute. (even play with AI mode). and I don't know the correct item to buy for the Hero that i've chose.

However, this is my first hero and will be my favorite. ever.

Traxex, a.k.a The Drow Ranger. Watch out for her 'frost arrows' d00d!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

aku mimpi kau

masa tu petang.

kita pegi jenjalan tengok wayang citer kartun.

(Despicable Me kalau tak silap)

Masa tu aku order Cheezels dan air coke.

kau pulak minum air coke je.

botol large pulak tuh.

kau duduk sebelah aku.

kita tengok wayang sama-sama.

aku pon "oOoo cayalah first time tengok wayang ngn awek"

pertengahan cerita kau mula ngantok.

kepala kau mula lentok kat bahu aku.

aku pon biarkan je.

sekali tengok, kau dah tertidur.

aku biarkan lagi.

dua kali tengok kau dah berdengkur.

aku masih biarkan lagi.

(sebab kapala kau lentok kat bahu aku. hahaha, jahat super)

Lebih kurang 10 minit cerita nak habis, kau mula keluar panggung.

kau biarkan aku keseorangan dalam panggung.

"hmm pegi toilet laa kot" kataku dalam hati

aku pon duduk termenung sambil habiskan air Coke large sorang-sorang.

sejurus kemudian kau datang kepadaku.

dengan muka masam dan berkerut dahi, kau cakap

"sorry aa weyh aku lupa aa. sepatutnya aku takleh kuar arini"

"eh knape pulak?" balasku

"aku ada assignment math yang tak siap lagi" katanya

"abis, kau nak balik sekarang aa nih?"


"hmm k ah."

aduhh rosak program aku.

baru ingat nak jenjalan dengan dia.

maklumlah bukan selalu jumpa.


aku terbangun. tengok jam baru pukul 6:30 petang. aku terus pegi ke tandas untuk mengambil wuduk. Lupa pulak yang aku belum solat Asar. Cehh mimpi rupanya. tu laa padahnya kalau tido waktu petang. nanti mimpi bukan-bukan. hahaha. tapi yang bestnya AKU MIMPI KAU. har har har


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Kombinasi mantap

Sebungkus nasi lemak yang dibeli di koperasi kolej Perindu dan dinikmati bersama snek Jack N Jill Chipster pada waktu petang diiringi dengan lagu Sixth Sense - Cinta Matiku..

Memang terbaeekk!!

Cubalah dirumah.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Facebook will be closed. Soon?

Hello cats and squirrels,

“Facebook is completely excessive, I must end all this madness. All the pressure is now managing this company has ruined my life” Mark Zuckerberg, founder of the Facebook.

As we know, Facebook is the most popular social networking website nowadays. Everybody knows the word "facebook", and MOST of them are using it, ALMOST everyday (including me). Not only teenagers, even the parents have the facebook account. So, do not get surprised when your own mother send a request to be friend with you. At this stage you will suffer a great dilemma, whether to click the "Accept" or "Ignore" button.

According to the statement made by, facebook will be shut down on 15th March 2011 and after the date, users can't access their account anymore. If Mark Zuckerberg wants to shut down the website, what will happen? Especially to the users who spend their most time in front of the laptop playing Farmville, and chit-chatting with their friends. One of the users, Shuerin Aziz said, "what about farmville??? NO!!! unless zynga allow us to login with our zynga account." or on the other words, "what will happen to my orchid farms? who gonna take care my chicken? my sheep? and my cows? OMG I need Facebook to take care and feed them!" and another user, Hannah Karen Claire Webb said, "IF FACEBOOK ENDS MY LIFE WILL BE OVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" hahaha. Don't worry peeps. However the news about the shutting down of the website IS-JUST-A-HOAX. (What the hell is the meaning of "hoax"? Google it!!) According to the another trusted website, which has been confirmed by Mark Zuckerberg himself, facebook will not be closed.

Which sources we want to trust? As the conclusion, just wait and see until this 15th March. If you still can access your account, it's good news (especially people like
Shuerin when they can continue playing Farmville). If you can't access your account, it's "the end of your life" (especially those people like Hannah who can't live without facebook) If you still breathing on the next day, you may kill yourself. Because there is no facebook. (?)



Tuesday, January 11, 2011


When I was a kid,
What I remember was,
"I must have everything that I want"
I don't care if the thing that I want is expensive
Especially toys, books, and clothes,
I do not care.

But, that's when I was a kid
Now I know to get money it's not easy
You need an effort in order to obtain money
When you have the money, you need to expend it wisely
Appreciation of the money, it is very important

Now I care
I do care about all these things
My father thought me
He is the one who thought me everything about being successful in life
Not literally by the way
He teaches his children with the way his conduct
The way he act, as the leader of the family

He is my hero.

Happy birthday, Abah

Monday, January 10, 2011

the loneliness

Hello cats and squirrels,

AGAIN, I'm alone in my room because all my roommates went out for classes. I'm so bored so I gonna install the new Red Alert 3 Premium Edition with PATCH 1 03!!! YES, with PATCH 1 03!! (I don't even know what is that either. harhar)

Ok lets start with today's routine. I got class this evening at 2.00 pm until 4.00 pm, blablabla.. gonna sit there for an hour to hear the introduction from the lecturer (owh yes this is the first class for the second week of classes. duhh~ that means last week the lecturer didn't come to the class) and then going to my room and wait until 8.00 pm for the Brass Band rehearsal. (hoho I play trumpet!) can't wait to see the girls in the band. huehuehue

roger n out.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Hel and Lo

Hello cats and squirrels,

I am back-for-blogging.


I will update this blog everyday (if I have any idea to write on this blog)

New story, new face, and new adventures!
